My sweetheart and I made
The Trip to Bountiful
last weekend to call on
fleattitude dealer Vickie. . . .
Her yellow sweater - and her smile - tell everything about her.
Her flea-attitude?
Without a doubt.
Vickie and her husband Mark welcomed us into their
1914 Bountiful home.
The first thing I noticed was the ironing board in the living room,
a vintage tablecloth spread out on it.
I really hope she's planning on bringing it to fleattitude. . . .
The next thing I noticed was the sunny orange walls,
and the lime green vintage door propped up
along side one of them.
What's important to them about the door is the
Army Air Corps uniform hanging from it.
It was Mark's father's.
Remembering family is important to them, we discovered,
as Mark proudly told us his father's story. . . .
The neighbors wonder a little bit about the orange walls.
But they suit the newlyweds just fine.
After all, these "youngsters" have only been
married for four years.
Met in a singles ward.
Hmmm. . . .
Good thing they had adult children to keep an eye
on them while they were dating.
Vickie's only been in this flea market business
for a couple of years.
She's a quick study though.
Knows where to go "picking."
Brings "the right stuff" to market.
Prices her items "to sell."
Customers really like that about her.
It's no wonder that Vickie's good at this flea market business.
She and Mark come by it naturally.
They're collectors.
The photo above?
All stuff they've dug up in their yard.
And kept.
(And there’s
lots more where that came from. . . . )
Vickie considers their home to be a tremendous blessing,
although she didn't think so at first.
Mark came home one day, announcing he'd found their new house.
"It has a five-car garage," he joyfully declared.
"How many bedrooms does it have,?" she asked.
Hmmm, he didn't know.
Good thing he
was able to redeem himself
when Vickie
got into the second-hand business
and discovered
that in addition to five cars,
that garage also holds a LOT of antiques. . . .
Vickie especially loves the loft above the garage,
which she has turned into a showroom
to display the antiques she has for sale
while they are not traveling around Utah
visiting flea markets. . . .
Even her Simply amazing
craft room
has hints of vintage in it.
Notice those glasses on the top shelf?
Ice cream glasses from Mark's father's ice cream shop.
The jars that the doll sits on once held candy
in the ice cream shop.
See the red label on the one on the right?
What a beautiful,, sunny place to create!
Just perfect for
Pick-It Vintage
fleattitude Vintage
Be sure to introduce yourself to her
when you come to the market. . .
and be prepared for a dose of sunshine!