Friday, April 18, 2014

Our April 2014 fleattitude vendors. . .

Amy Redden
Vintage fern

Annette Broadhead
Flea Bit

Aubri Pearson
Oh My Good

Brandon Kay and Tonya Painter
2two Pitts of a Pear

Brenda Klomp
Just a Bed of Roses

Callie Bott

Carla Cunningham and Sheri Parker
C and S Coop

Cathie Cox

Christine Ishmael
Vintage Yard Sale Utah

Cynthia Bohannon

Cynthia Edmunds

DeAnn Adams
Two Antique Gypsies

Debbi Crosby
Tattered Butterfly

Debra Washburn
Relic Mercantile

Denise Gamble
Two Ole Crows and a Coot

Dru Beecher
Polkadot Poplars

Heidi Wilcock
Acorn Antique Show

Hug hes Cafe
Ogden UT

Jacqueline Whitmore
Parchment and Pallet

Jennifer Reed
Fleattitude . three dotters vintage

Jennine Ashley
Le Junk

Karen Houmand

Larry Ray
Pickers Paradise

Laurie Rigby

Lisa Wilson

Lindsey Snarr
One Vintage Dish

Lynette Harris

Margo Graham and Clam Lynch

Mary Ann Hill
Miss Fitts Upcycled Creations

Mike Musgrove
Buffalo Antiques

Mike Sovic

Mike Swendsen and Connie Pinckney
Reclaimed Relics

Penny Jones
Penny Jones Art

Rachael Skidmore and 
Stefanie Farnsworth
Maeberry Vintage

Ranae and Mike Zauner
The Blue Vintage

Shannon Lavery
Reclaim ologists and other Crafty Chicks

Shireen Watanabe
Mon Amie Jewelry

Steve and Joni Bateman
Silverwear Jewelry

Tammy Herker

Tom Peterson
Vintage Bicycle display

Vickie Hunter
Pick it Vintage

Will Dater and Emy Maloutas
Salt Lake Vintage Flea Market


s a t u r d a y   a p r i l   2 6 t h

t h e   o l d   p l e a s a n t   g r o v e   
r e c   c e n t e r

6 5   e a s t   2 0 0   s o u t h

8 a m   u n t i l   4 p m

$ 5   a d m i s s i o n  8 – 9

$ 1   a d m i s s i o n  9 – 3

L a s t   h o u r   f r e e